Dr. Alex Iantaffi is one of the smartest gender theorists I know.
A compassionate clinician and a brilliant educator they have produced one of the most compelling books on gender diversity and human rights you will ever read. JKP has published a plethora of books on gender diversity in recent years. Dr. Iantaffi’s book on Gender Trauma deserves to be amongst the best of them.
— Dominic Davies, Founder & CEO of Pink Therapy
How to Understand Your relationships:
A Practical Guide
By Alex Iantaffi & Meg-John Barker
Foreword by Sophia Graham
“Profound and vulnerable. An essential gift for all of us that relate.”
What do we mean when we say 'relationship'? How do we separate our needs and desires from norms and expectations? How can we approach our relationships with mutuality, care and compassion?
This down-to-earth guide is the ultimate companion for anybody who wants to examine their place in the world -- how we relate to ourselves, and others.
With considerations of historical, cultural, and developmental contexts; explorations of relationship diversity as it manifests in queerness, the ace and aro spectrum, non-monogamy and neurodivergence; and a look towards deeper, compassionate, interdependent ways to relate - this book will help people of all ages, backgrounds and identities explore their relational world.
Trans & Disabled:
An Anthology of Identities and Experiences
Edited by Alex Iantaffi
To be trans and disabled means to have experienced harassment, discrimination, loneliness, often poverty, to have struggled with feeling unworthy of love. To be trans and disabled means experiencing ableism within our trans communities and transphobia within our disabled communities. To be trans and disabled means to love our fellow trans and disabled people harder than we could ever love ourselves.
This anthology brings together vulnerable stories, poems, plays, drawings, and personal essays. They explore how we make sense of ourselves, our intersections of identities and experiences, of how we are treated, and how much love we are capable of, sometimes even for ourselves.
“This is more than just a book-it’s an invitation to listen, learn, and reflect on what it means to truly be seen.”
Hell Yeah Self-Care!:
A Trauma-Informed Workbook
By Alex Iantaffi & Meg-John Barker
“With tenderness and expertise, Alex Iantaffi and Meg-John Barker have written a powerful book for those of us who are on a path of healing and are distrustful of the mainstream disease model of mental health. Highly recommend.”
In this creative workbook and journal leading mental health pioneers, Alex Iantaffi and Meg-John Barker, provide you with the tools to begin your self-care journey and develop sustainable self-care routines and rituals that work for you.
This workbook features a diverse range of experiential exercises, activities, and opportunities for reflection, while drawing upon a range of practices and approaches including systemic and existential therapies, Buddhist mindfulness, Pagan ritual, trauma-informed practice, intersectional feminism and more. This book explores self-care in all its forms and covers somatic self-care, plural selves, emotions and feelings, relationships, and care for others.
How to Understand Your sexuality:
A Practical Guide for Exploring Who You Are
By Alex Iantaffi & Meg-John Barker
Illustrated by Jules Scheele; Foreword by Erika Moen
Gay, straight, queer, pansexual, demisexual, ace...? Sexuality is complex and diverse, but it doesn't have to be confusing. This down-to-earth guide is the ultimate companion for understanding, accepting and celebrating your sexuality. Written by two internationally renowned authors and therapists, the book explains how sexuality works in terms of our identities, attractions, desires and practices, and explores how it intersects with our personal experiences and the world around us.
With activities and reflection points throughout, it offers space to tune into yourself and think deeply about your own sexuality. You'll hear from people across the sexuality spectrum and in different relationship set-ups, and be inspired by the ideas of scholars, activists and practitioners. Sexuality is a vast and wonderful landscape - let this book guide you on your journey!
“An erotic almanac of our times, this book is destined to be a go-to text for those seeking a portal into pleasure wisdom of the mind, body and heart”
Gender Trauma:
Healing Cultural, Social, & Historical Gendered Trauma
By Alex Iantaffi
Foreword by Meg-John Barker
Exploring how the essentialism of the gender binary impacts on clients of all genders, this ground-breaking book examines how historical, social and culturally gendered trauma emerges in clinical settings.
Weaving together systemic ideas, autoethnography, narrative therapy and somatic experiencing, the book charts the history of the gender binary and its roots in colonialism, as well as the way this culture is perpetuated intergenerationally, and the impact this trauma has on all bodies, gender identities and experiences. Featuring clinical vignettes, exercises and reflexive practices, this is an accessible and intersectional guide for professionals to develop their understanding of gender-derived trauma for supporting clients. Highlighting the importance of applying a trauma-informed approach in practice, this book provides insights as to how we can work towards collective healing, for future generations and for ourselves.
life isn’t binary:
on being both, beyond, and in-between
By Alex Iantaffi & Meg-John Barker
Foreword by CN Lester
“Barker and Iantaffi have written the book we all need for this moment in time.”
Much of society's thinking operates in a highly rigid and binary manner; something is good or bad, right or wrong, a success or a failure, and so on. Challenging this limited way of thinking, this ground-breaking book looks at how non-binary methods of thought can be applied to all aspects of life, and offer new and greater ways of understanding ourselves and how we relate to others.
Using bisexual and non-binary gender experiences as a starting point, this book addresses the key issues with binary thinking regarding our relationships, bodies, emotions, wellbeing and our sense of identity and sets out a range of practices which may help us to think in more non-binary, both/and, or uncertain ways. A truly original and insightful piece, this guide encourages reflection on how we view and understand the world we live in and how we all bend, blur or break society's binary codes.
How to Understand Your Gender:
A Practical Guide for Exploring Who You Are
By Alex Iantaffi & Meg-John Barker
Illustrated by Jules Scheele; Foreword by S. Bear Bergman
“For anyone who’s ever wished they had a smart, kind, friend with whom they could calmly and safely discuss gender issues: this most excellent book is that kind of friend.”
This helpful guide presents ways we can all better understand gender, and how people can change and express their gender identity. Considering biological and cultural understandings of gender, gender expression, and relationships and sexuality, this is an excellent starting point for anybody thinking about what gender means to them.